Friday, November 20, 2009

Chat Zemra

Zemra Chat


Chat Shqip

Chat Shqip - Albanian Chat - Zemra Chat - KnaQu Chat

Chat Shqip - Zemra Chat eshte nje chat i cili ju mundeson qe te njoftoni dhe te kaloni sa me bukur me shoket dhe shoqet tua nga anembane bota, hyni dhe shikoni. Vizitoni edhe webfaqet partnere www.KnaQu.Org www.Takohu.Org

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Zemra Chat

Zemra Chat


Chat Shqip

Chat Shqip - Albanian Chat - Zemra Chat - KnaQu Chat

Chat Shqip - Zemra Chat eshte nje chat i cili ju mundeson qe te njoftoni dhe te kaloni sa me bukur me shoket dhe shoqet tua nga anembane bota, hyni dhe shikoni. Vizitoni edhe webfaqet partnere www.KnaQu.Org www.Takohu.Org

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Shqip Chat

Zemra Chat


Chat Shqip

Chat Shqip - Albanian Chat - Zemra Chat - KnaQu Chat

Chat Shqip - Zemra Chat eshte nje chat i cili ju mundeson qe te njoftoni dhe te kaloni sa me bukur me shoket dhe shoqet tua nga anembane bota, hyni dhe shikoni. Vizitoni edhe webfaqet partnere www.KnaQu.Org www.Takohu.Org

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Barcoleta Shqip - Horoskopi - Fjal Te Urta - Lajme Shqip - Sport - Teknologji - Filma Shqip - Filma Anglisht - Humor Shqip - Islami - Dashuria - Thenie Dashurie - Muzik Shqip - Tekste kengesh - Muzik Anglisht - Kuriozitete - Photo Gallery - Forum Shqip

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Chat Shqip

Zemra Chat


Chat Shqip

Chat Shqip - Albanian Chat - Zemra Chat - KnaQu Chat

Chat Shqip - Zemra Chat eshte nje chat i cili ju mundeson qe te njoftoni dhe te kaloni sa me bukur me shoket dhe shoqet tua nga anembane bota, hyni dhe shikoni. Vizitoni edhe webfaqet partnere www.KnaQu.Org www.Takohu.Org

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Chat Zemra - AlbaChat - ALba Chat - Shqip Chat - ZemraChat

Barcoleta Shqip - Horoskopi - Fjal Te Urta - Lajme Shqip - Sport - Teknologji - Filma Shqip - Filma Anglisht - Humor Shqip - Islami - Dashuria - Thenie Dashurie - Muzik Shqip - Tekste kengesh - Muzik Anglisht - Kuriozitete - Photo Gallery - Forum Shqip

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Zemra Chat


Chat Shqip

Chat Shqip - Albanian Chat - Zemra Chat - KnaQu Chat

Chat Shqip - Zemra Chat eshte nje chat i cili ju mundeson qe te njoftoni dhe te kaloni sa me bukur me shoket dhe shoqet tua nga anembane bota, hyni dhe shikoni. Vizitoni edhe webfaqet partnere www.KnaQu.Org www.Takohu.Org

Chat Shqip - Albanian Chat - Zemra Chat - KnaQu Chat

Chat Zemra - AlbaChat - ALba Chat - Shqip Chat - ZemraChat

Barcoleta Shqip - Horoskopi - Fjal Te Urta - Lajme Shqip - Sport - Teknologji - Filma Shqip - Filma Anglisht - Humor Shqip - Islami - Dashuria - Thenie Dashurie - Muzik Shqip - Tekste kengesh - Muzik Anglisht - Kuriozitete - Photo Gallery - Forum Shqip

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SMS Dashurie

SMS Dashurie

Te kam dashur dhe te dua.jeta eshte fat por fati sish me mua.trishtim kam ne zemer qe smund te luftoj,dhe pse me ke lenduar JET TE LUMTUR TE UROJ.. Dy zemra te arta,dy zemra te zjarta,e duan njeri tjetrin edhe pse jane te largeta,ditet po kalojn e muaji po afrohet presin njera-tjetra te bashkohen!!! kur ti te me kerkosh me sdo me gjesh se te vendi qe me shifje un me zdo jem do kujtosh me mall dhe lot syt e mi do tet mungoj nje vajz si un dhe do qash e uresh veten ne vetmi E kam frikë të mbes në vetmi se të dua dhe ti atë e di.Dhe nëse ty stë kam këtu atëherë nuk mundem më me jetu! Ne nje saksi ndodhi nje qudi ne vend te trandofileve qeli nje dashuri sa lulet i ka mbjellur dhe te gjitha kan arom por lulja me e bukur esht dashuria jone. Me ler mua nje nat te flej me ty,te tregoj per jeten time,ta ledhatoj trupin tend ne heshtje,te ti puth buzet e tua dhe ateher kur ne jet nuk do flejsh pa mua. Tani ndoshta flen por unë kam një lutje qe te kesh gjum të ëmbel ta dhuroj nje puthje.Kur ti te zgjohesh te ti një letër vjen ne brendi te letres puthjen ti e gjen! Sa yje ka qelli smundesh me i numru,sa te dua une e dashur s'mundesh me besu.. nje akull i fort buzet mi ka ngri vetem ti e dashur mundesh me mi shkri një diell na ngroh,një shi na lagë,dua të të puth por te kam shum largë unazen etjeter kujt ne gisht po e mbaj sa her qe e shoh,me mall per ty qaj nuk e di sa te du sa me ka mor malli po te ishe i vdekur do te nxjerrja nga varri Ne gjum une kur rash ne ender te pash prej gjumit u ngrita a dashur bertita Ka me lujt lojen tende ashtu qysh ti don se e di qe ne fund fiton qaj qe duron! te them te dua eshte pak te fal zemren e ke hak me mir te verteten te dua per gjith jeten Nese yll te duket vetja dhe me te krenohesh dije se un jAM qielli nga i cili mund te rezohesh... Te dua te dua...nese sme beson pyet zemren time se ajo te tregon!

Do te behem cigare te me prekin buzet tua derisa ti zemer te kesh nevoj per mua por ti gjithmon zemer ma prish planin sa her behem cigare ti e le duhanin.

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

Nese prej meje mendja s'te hiqet, Nese per mua zemra te digjet, Ateher afrohu dhe me prit pak mua, Se do te vij ngadal qe te them TE DUA T'kam dasht me zemet t'kam dashut me shpirt Qe ti prej meje do me ik kurr nuk e kam dit Nje zemer e pata dhe ate ta fala Ma more ma theve dhe per jet ma ktheve Me fjal me the te dua Me zemer me the sje per mua Dua te shkoj Dua te harroj Por dije nje gje Qe gjith te perkujtoj Ne thellsine e zemres time eshte vendos nje emer Pergjithmone kete emer do ta mbaj ne zemer Lumturine kerkova por une nuk e gjeta, Idealen ma dhurove ti vet por kurre nuk u zbeha, Dashurine per ty e ruajta ne fshehtesi, Por i kam treguar dikujt dhe ti mire e di, Sa here ti me vjen prane meje, Une bie ne mendime sepse ti je ilaqi i zemres sime Dashuria u jep mend Ayre që s'kanë Ndërsa u merr mend Atyre që kanë Ne te kumanoves e kemi tradit Qe t'a duam njeriun me zemer e me shpyrt Jemi xheloze por kemi te drejt Se dashuria e kumanovares eshte shume shtrenjt Nenaten e qete ne gjumin e lete kur me kujtohesh ti nuke mundem me fjet

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

Nese prej meje mendja s'te hiqet, Nese per mua zemra te digjet, Ateher afrohu dhe me prit pak mua, Se do te vij ngadal qe te them TE DUA

T'kam dasht me zemet t'kam dashut me shpirt Qe ti prej meje do me ik kurr nuk e kam dit Nje zemer e pata dhe ate ta fala Ma more ma theve dhe per jet ma ktheve Me fjal me the te dua Me zemer me the sje per mua

Dua te shkoj Dua te harroj Por dije nje gje Qe gjith te perkujtoj

Ne thellsine e zemres time eshte vendos nje emer Pergjithmone kete emer do ta mbaj ne zemer

Lumturine kerkova por une nuk e gjeta, Idealen ma dhurove ti vet por kurre nuk u zbeha, Dashurine per ty e ruajta ne fshehtesi, Por i kam treguar dikujt dhe ti mire e di,

Sa here ti me vjen prane meje, Une bie ne mendime sepse ti je ilaqi i zemres sime

Dashuria u jep mend Ayre që s'kanë Ndërsa u merr mend Atyre që kanë

Ne te kumanoves e kemi tradit Qe t'a duam njeriun me zemer e me shpyrt Jemi xheloze por kemi te drejt Se dashuria e kumanovares eshte shume shtrenjt

Nenaten e qete ne gjumin e lete kur me kujtohesh ti nuke mundem me fjet

Pse mkriove perendi qe te vuj per dashuri Pse me lindi nena ime qe te jam me shum kujtime, Oh kjo jete sa e shkret un pa ty vetun me ndejt.

Rruget jan te gjata Netet jane pa fund Qendroj larg teje e ste gjej askund, Eja ti pran meje mos me le ne vetmi Lejoma te puthi njeher dhe t'a largoj ket merzi.

Njeriu pa dashuri si nena pa femije Buza e pa puthur si lulja e keputur Zemra ne vetmi si bora u shkri...

E pranoj se jam fajtor qe ty zemren ta kam thy E pranoj se kam gabuar qe ty shpinen ta kam kthy E pranoj se zemra jote dhimbjet nuk i meriton E pranoj se n'jeten time me mungon me mungon Jo s'te harroj kurre s'mundem ty t'mos dashuroj

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

E mallkoj diten qe te pash. E mallkoj shiqimin qe ta dhash. E mallkoj buzqeshjen qe ta dhurova. E mallkoj veten qe ne ty u dashurova.

do te behem zog e ti se do te me njohesh do te vi ne dasem kur ti te martohesh do ti bi daulles per lamtumiren tuaj kurse une i mjeri vetem, vuaj dhe vuaj

te deshiroj fat ne jet nje trup me shendet ne shtepi harmoni dhe dashuri pa kufi

Ore djal ore djal po ti tham nja dy tri fjale sie ke nis hiq mire s eki po veq vazhdo se vete e di

kur te lodhesh nga kjo loj mos mendo t'kthehesh perser s edhe une do di te jetoj ta bej jeten sikur ti....!!

zemra zemres i bon lutje dashuria e par fillon me Puthje zemra e femres esht hotel kush don hin e kush don del po zemra e mashllit esht si gur kush hin brenda nuk del kurr

Nuk jam poet, të shkruaj poezi Por fjalën të dua, E shkruaj vetëm për ty Bilbili në degë Sa bukur këndon Ti puthsha buzët Ti që e lexon

Sikur lulja pa arome sikur perla pa shkelqim ashtu do ngelem une n,q,s ti nuk je shpirti im

Dashuria fillon me nje shikim, vazhdon me nje buzeqeshje, zmadhohet me nje puthje, dhe perfundon me dy pika lot.

Zemra lengon vajtimi shpejton dashurinë e parë do ta kujtoj edhe në varrë. Do te bëhem shkrumb e hi do te tretem nga një dashuri zemra me thot të dua pse me ben kaq shumë të vuaj?

Gjithmone kan thënë nga urrejtja e tepert shfaqet ndjenja e dashurise dhe shfaqet ne horizont.

Eh ta dish sa shume te dua do te rrije veq me mua, dua ti ndjej buzet e tua, dhe fjalet qe vetem ti mi thua.

Une dhe ti ti dhe une me nje fjal te DUA SHUM

Kujt i thua lule kujt i thua hen kujt i thu princeshë si mu ke then A te duket njejte kur e perqafon athu nje qast ndalohesh mbyll syte e më kujton..! Athu te rren mendja me kerkon ne shpi po vendi im eshte bosh une mungoj te ti..!!

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

Me duhet t'a them se gabova, qe te tregova ne fillim! Qe te thash, je i vetmi qe hyree fell ne shpirtin tim. Smund te besoj qe te humba, qe afer sme ke dhe ste kam, Por nje gje e vertet eshte qe jotja me nuk jam.

Nese je penduar tash, falje pse skerkon? Nese fajin e ke ti, pse s'po e pranon? Kujt do ti them se te kam dashur? Kush me dashuron sikur ti?? Kujt to t'ja ofroj zemren time... qe m'a londojne perseri.....????

Ne kto caste me ikin fjalet dhe ky terr po me mbyt S’kam askend t’ja qaj hallet dhe cdo fjale me mbet ne ty...

O kurre nuk dita c’eshte lumturi Kurre ne jete se kam shiju Tere kto vite dashurova Mirepo kush s’me deshti mu...

Dikur ne bashke Thurem shumë endra Por ja qe ndodh E thyhet zemra Do mundem valle Te te haroj? Por s'mund te fal Me mire te shkoj

Besova gjate E s'mund ta dija Se per nje ç'ast Behet udia

E kam nje deshir Oh sa esht e thjesht Me ti puth buzet Tjeter s´kisha desht Sa e ëmbel esht jeta Sa e ëmbel esht rinija Por ma e ëmbel qenka Dashurija

Ne kete qershor te thyer Jam kryezonj varr i engjujve Lule te vetmuara ne toke Erresires se Zemres sime Ne shpirt jam i lenduar...

Ah jete moje jete rri dhe mendoje i lutem perendise qe jeten t´ma shkurtoje

Mbaj dashuri vetem me shkrim Tani do ta gjeje fatin atje: Tte varri i immmmmmm

Me je zemra dhe shpirti im Pranija jote më jep gezim Dua te kem pranë, qe t´më ndihmosh Dhe jeten me mua ta kalosh

Do te ruaj sot dhe gjithmone se ti je çeles i dashurisë tonë nese dashurija gjithmonë do tjetë do t´jem me e lumtura me t´vërtet...

Sikur te isha djal kurr nuk do te gaboja Vvajzen qe e dua kurr nuk do ta tredhtoja Do t'a beja te lumtur dhe shume te gezuar Qe ne jete te mos mbetet e pikelluar Por ju vajza me ndegjoni dhe kurr mos gaboni

Ate qe e dashuroni kurr mos i besoni....

Pse mkrijove perendi qe te vuj per dashuri

Pse me lindi nena ime qe te jam me shum kujtime,

Oh kjo jete sa e shkret un pa ty vetun me ndejt.

Rruget jan te gjata

Netet jane pa fund

Qendroj larg teje e ste gjej askund,

Eja ti pran meje mos me le ne vetmi

Lejoma te puthi njeher dhe t'a largoj ket merzi.

Njeriu pa dashuri si nena pa femije

Buza e pa puthur si lulja e keputur

Zemra ne vetmi si bora u shkri...

E pranoj se jam fajtor qe ty zemren ta kam thy

E pranoj se kam gabuar qe ty shpinen ta kam kthy

E pranoj se zemra jote dhimbjet nuk i meriton

E pranoj se n'jeten time me mungon me mungon

Jo s'te harroj kurre s'mundem ty t'mos dashuroj

E mallkoj diten qe te pash.

E mallkoj shiqimin qe ta dhash.

E mallkoj buzqeshjen qe ta dhurova.

E mallkoj veten qe ne ty u dashurova.

do te behem zog

e ti se do te me njohesh

do te vi ne dasem

kur ti te martohesh

do ti bi daulles

per lamtumiren tuaj

kurse une i mjeri vetem,

vuaj dhe vuaj

te deshiroj

fat ne jet

nje trup me shendet

ne shtepi harmoni

dhe dashuri pa kufi

Ore djal ore djal

po ti tham nja dy tri fjale

sie ke nis hiq mire s eki

po veq vazhdo se vete e di

kur te lodhesh nga kjo loj

mos mendo t'kthehesh perser

s edhe une do di te jetoj

ta bej jeten sikur ti....!!

zemra zemres

i bon lutje

dashuria e par

fillon me Puthje

zemra e femres

esht hotel

kush don hin

e kush don del

po zemra e mashllit

esht si gur kush hin

brenda nuk del kurr

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

Nuk jam poet,

të shkruaj poezi

Por fjalën të dua,

E shkruaj vetëm për ty

Bilbili në degë

Sa bukur këndon

Ti puthsha buzët

Ti që e lexon

Sikur lulja pa arome

sikur perla pa shkelqim

ashtu do ngelem une

n,q,s ti nuk je shpirti im

Dashuria fillon me nje shikim,

vazhdon me nje buzeqeshje,

zmadhohet me nje puthje,

dhe perfundon me dy pika lot.

Zemra lengon

vajtimi shpejton

dashurinë e parë

do ta kujtoj edhe në varrë.

Do te bëhem shkrumb e hi

do te tretem nga një dashuri

zemra me thot të dua

pse me ben kaq shumë të vuaj?

Gjithmone kan thënë

nga urrejtja e tepert

shfaqet ndjenja e dashurise

dhe shfaqet ne horizont.

Eh ta dish sa shume te dua

do te rrije veq me mua,

dua ti ndjej buzet e tua,

dhe fjalet qe vetem ti mi thua.

Une dhe ti

ti dhe une

me nje fjal te


Kujt i thua lule

kujt i thua hen

kujt i thu princeshë

si mu ke then

A te duket njejte

kur e perqafon

athu nje qast ndalohesh

mbyll syte e më kujton..!

Athu te rren mendja

me kerkon ne shpi

po vendi im eshte bosh

une mungoj te ti..!!

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

Nese heshtim te dy bashke,
edhe heshtja ka dy sy
jane syte e zemres time qe te shohin vetem ty
dhe nese sta them dot me goje sa shume te dashuroj
gjithe fajin e ka natyra qe si dha zemres goje...
Sa kohe u be qe s'shoh syte e tu dhe prape i perfytyroj.Sa kohe u be qe nuk puth buzet e tua..dhe prape e ndjej ngrohtesine e tyre.Sa kohe u be qe nuk perkedhel me trupin tend...dhe prape e ndiej aty ne trupin tim.Dua te te shoh perseri,po jane vec lutje te kota pa gram shprese,se fati deshi qe te ishim larg.E kjo largesi na beri te kuptonim se sa e donim njeri-tjetrin.S'na mbetet gje tjeter vecse.......
28 Sep 2005, 04:40 AM
Aman moj Breshka se na bane me zemer dhe ti me keto poezi.
28 Sep 2005, 07:57 AM
kur te gardhi u afrova
pashe qe aren po punoje
befas sec pelliti lopa
e kuptova qe me doje
tek stoli i prishur...
te prita...te prita... te prita..
e pastaj e rregullova vete
hap syte,perpara te shoh ty
kthehem prapa,te shoh ty
shikoj majtas,te shoh ty
shikoj djathtas,te shoh ty
. . . . titulli poezise ishte: hapu pak se me more frymen
Te Dua,ne makine
diskutonim pa pushim
shiu binte pa ndalim
era frynte me furi
...nje cast larg teje u largova
te vrapoja une fillova
djerset me rridhnin ne balle
dhimbja gjithe trupin ma pushtoi
universi tkurrej pas meje
... ah ca te beka diarreja
ne ballkon rrija une
ne ballkon rrije dhe ti
buke e gjalpe haja une
buke e gjize haje ti
........oh cfare dashuri
dua te te perqafoj
te te puth te te shtrengoj
para te gjitheve
nuk me intereson se te gjithe shikojne
kam deshire vetem te te puth
nuk me intereson qe te tjeret nuk jane dakort
nuk me intereson qe te tjeret me shohin shtrember
.....nuk me intereson qe ti po drejton trafikun
kur te gardhi u afrova
pashe qe aren po punoje
befas sec pelliti lopa
e kuptova qe me doje
tek stoli i prishur...
te prita...te prita... te prita..
e pastaj e rregullova vete
hap syte,perpara te shoh ty
kthehem prapa,te shoh ty
shikoj majtas,te shoh ty
shikoj djathtas,te shoh ty
dua te te perqafoj
te te puth te te shtrengoj
para te gjitheve
nuk me intereson se te gjithe shikojne
kam deshire vetem te te puth
nuk me intereson qe te tjeret nuk jane dakort
nuk me intereson qe te tjeret me shohin shtrember
.....nuk me intereson qe ti po drejton trafikun
5 gishta ka nje dore, 5 petale ka nje lule, 5 germa formojne "TE DUA"
Dashurija kerkon gjithcka, ka te drejte te beje.
Je nje bombe: dua te arratisem me ty, per te shperthyer bashke.
Dashurija ime per ty eshte si universi: nuk do te ket kurre mbarim.
apro i libri e vedo te
apro la finestra e vedo te
apro la porta e vedo te
ma stronzo spostati eeeeeeee
Gjeja e fundit qe kujtoj eshte imazhi yt me ate te kapur prej dore qe dilnit nga jeta ime....pas kesaj...asgje...
.Kur jam me ty eshte njesoj
sikur te perjetoj nje enderr te bukur,
por ne kete enderr eshte edhe frika,
frika se mos do te zgjohem shpejt....
dhe gjithcka do te mbaroje..........
shikoj qiellin e te shoh ty
shikoj detin e te shoh ty
shikoj yjet e te shoh ty
spostoju ta marrssha....
Si more zot sjam pasha 1 gram romantik une. se di si shkruhet asnje poezi dashurie, , tashi me keni zane pak pergjumshem, se eshte ora 7 e mjesit dhe akoma skam shkua me fjet gjume, po neser ta po e kopjoj edhe une ndonje ndokund e tash po e shkruaj, isha tu u tall more se nuk ka djale ma romantik se une hahahaahaaaaaaaaaa
-Mos ja mbyll buzet, atij qe i ke hapur zemren.
-Mjaftoi vetem nje cast per te te njohur, por nuk do te mjaftonte nje jete per te harruar ate cast.
je rima e trishtimit tim
je vajtimi i kenges sime
jemi larg syve
por afer me zemer
I dashur syte e tu jane aq te bukur sa qe shohin njeri-tjetrin
mu kujtua ai filmi me leonard gjaten se nuk gaboj ku thone:
un me syze ti me syze. ?'ne?! bejme femi me dylbi neve.
Te dua te pres
Nuk dua te vdes
Me yjet e nates
Une te pershendes
Kujto eren e malit
Kujto eren e lehte
Kujto zemren time
Qe te don perjete?
Ah sa nate e lumtur
Ah sa nate e qete
Gjithmon me kujtohesh
Nga ora 12-t?
T? dua pa mas?
T? dua pa mbarim
T? dua m? shum?
Se sa shpirtin tim
T? dua ,t? dua
P?r ty do t? vdes
Po ti a m? don mua?
Pergjigje po pres..
Mua vetem nuk me rrihet
E ti larg,larg shpirtit tim
Per ty vuaj, ne pambarim
Jam njeri si gjithe bota
kam nje shpirte kam nje lot
kam deshire me te taku
Se larg teje kam qellu
Se ne ty vajze jam dashuru
Je larg,je larg
larg shpirtit tim
Per ty do te vuaj
Deri ne pambarim
5 Jul 2006, 09:41 PM
Un ne forum ti ne forum
Fjalet tona rrjedhin lum
U kenaqa duke lexu fraza
Per dashurira virtuale
27 Jul 2006, 10:33 PM
ti ne nje koder
un ne nji koder
boll e mire po pak e vogel
-sjam e vogel jam taman
e du burrin me shpi ne tirane
e ma pas ai nji fuoristrat
se pernryshe i ka met thate
e me ken nji djal persmarit
e me pas te trash zinxhirin e arit
sorra hipi ne lis
lisi u tha
druvari e preu
gruja e druvarit e dogji
une hangra geshtenja te pjekuna....
Frika me ze kur s'je prane meje
Kam frike se mos dikush si flladi lehte i pranveres
te rremben dhe ti si gjethe
largohesh larg
aq sa une s'mundem te te kap
Nese te ka ardhur vetja ne maje te hundes
martohu qe te te vije ne maje te hundes dikush tjeter
me puth ne sy
se te dua vetem ty
me puth ne gush
se syt e mi ,me lot jan mbush
me puth ne faqe
se shpirtin ,krejt ma kenaqe
me puth ne ball
se zemra ime, per ty esht thar
me puth ne qaf fort
se per ty ,po derdhi lot
me puth ne buz
se plot dashuri ,per ty jam mbush
ma puth fort trupin
se ma heqe fare trurin
me puth nga kembet,deri te koka
se dashuria ,per ne te dy ekzistoka
ti ne nje koder
un ne nji koder
boll e mire po pak e vogel
-sjam e vogel jam taman
e du burrin me shpi ne tirane
e ma pas ai nji fuoristrat
se pernryshe i ka met thate
e me ken nji djal persmarit
e me pas te trash zinxhirin e arit
ps: kam ken esull kur e kam shkru,tung hajt se shifna....
Ti po don burre???? qyqja mi none, ca s'po shoh ketu hahahahahahahaha
Atje është një lum, ku ka lule shumë,
kur të të marrë gjumi Ty
mos u merzit ,
se do vijë të të puth unë...!
Ndonjehere endrrat behen realitet, por
me ty, realiteti u be nje enderr.
Nje genjeshter ne momentin e duhur eshte
njeqind here me mire se sa nje e vertete
e thene ne momentin e gabuar.
Dashuria e vertete eshte kur zemra dhe
mendja jote thone te njejten gje.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Nese heshtim te dy bashke,

Edhe heshtja ka dy sy

jane syte e zemres time qe te shohin vetem ty

dhe nese sta them dot me goje sa shume te dashuroj

gjithe fajin e ka natyra qe si dha zemres goje...

Sa kohe u be qe s'shoh syte e tu dhe prape i perfytyroj.Sa kohe u be qe nuk puth buzet e tua..dhe prape e ndjej ngrohtesine e tyre.Sa kohe u be qe nuk perkedhel me trupin tend...dhe prape e ndiej aty ne trupin tim.Dua te te shoh perseri,po jane vec lutje te kota pa gram shprese,se fati deshi qe te ishim larg.E kjo largesi na beri te kuptonim se sa e donim njeri-tjetrin.S'na mbetet gje tjeter vecse.......














28 Sep 2005, 04:40 AM

Aman moj Breshka se na bane me zemer dhe ti me keto poezi.


28 Sep 2005, 07:57 AM

kur te gardhi u afrova

pashe qe aren po punoje

befas sec pelliti lopa

e kuptova qe me doje

tek stoli i prishur...

te prita...te prita... te prita..

e pastaj e rregullova vete

hap syte,perpara te shoh ty

kthehem prapa,te shoh ty

shikoj majtas,te shoh ty

shikoj djathtas,te shoh ty

. . . . titulli poezise ishte: hapu pak se me more frymen

Te Dua,ne makine

diskutonim pa pushim

shiu binte pa ndalim

era frynte me furi

...nje cast larg teje u largova

te vrapoja une fillova

djerset me rridhnin ne balle

dhimbja gjithe trupin ma pushtoi

universi tkurrej pas meje

... ah ca te beka diarreja

ne ballkon rrija une

ne ballkon rrije dhe ti

buke e gjalpe haja une

buke e gjize haje ti

........oh cfare dashuri

dua te te perqafoj

te te puth te te shtrengoj

para te gjitheve

nuk me intereson se te gjithe shikojne

kam deshire vetem te te puth

nuk me intereson qe te tjeret nuk jane dakort

nuk me intereson qe te tjeret me shohin shtrember

.....nuk me intereson qe ti po drejton trafikun

kur te gardhi u afrova

pashe qe aren po punoje

befas sec pelliti lopa

e kuptova qe me doje


tek stoli i prishur...

te prita...te prita... te prita..

e pastaj e rregullova vete

hap syte,perpara te shoh ty

kthehem prapa,te shoh ty

shikoj majtas,te shoh ty

shikoj djathtas,te shoh ty

dua te te perqafoj

te te puth te te shtrengoj

para te gjitheve

nuk me intereson se te gjithe shikojne

kam deshire vetem te te puth

nuk me intereson qe te tjeret nuk jane dakort

nuk me intereson qe te tjeret me shohin shtrember

.....nuk me intereson qe ti po drejton trafikun

5 gishta ka nje dore, 5 petale ka nje lule, 5 germa formojne "TE DUA"

Dashurija kerkon gjithcka, ka te drejte te beje.

Je nje bombe: dua te arratisem me ty, per te shperthyer bashke.

Dashurija ime per ty eshte si universi: nuk do te ket kurre mbarim.




apro i libri e vedo te

apro la finestra e vedo te

apro la porta e vedo te

ma stronzo spostati

Gjeja e fundit qe kujtoj eshte imazhi yt me ate te kapur prej dore qe dilnit nga jeta ime....pas kesaj...asgje...

.Kur jam me ty eshte njesoj

sikur te perjetoj nje enderr te bukur,

por ne kete enderr eshte edhe frika,

frika se mos do te zgjohem shpejt....

dhe gjithcka do te mbaroje..........

shikoj qiellin e te shoh ty

shikoj detin e te shoh ty

shikoj yjet e te shoh ty

spostoju ta marrssha....

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

-Mos ja mbyll buzet, atij qe i ke hapur zemren.

-Mjaftoi vetem nje cast per te te njohur, por nuk do te mjaftonte nje jete per te harruar ate cast.

je rima e trishtimit tim

je vajtimi i kenges sime

jemi larg syve

por afer me zemer

I dashur syte e tu jane aq te bukur sa qe shohin njeri-tjetrin

mu kujtua ai filmi me leonard gjaten se nuk gaboj ku thone:

un me syze ti me syze. ?'ne?! bejme femi me dylbi neve.

Te dua te pres

Nuk dua te vdes

Me yjet e nates

Une te pershendes

Kujto eren e malit

Kujto eren e lehte

Kujto zemren time

Qe te don perjete?

Ah sa nate e lumtur

Ah sa nate e qete

Gjithmon me kujtohesh

Nga ora 12-t?

T? dua pa mas?

T? dua pa mbarim

T? dua m? shum?

Se sa shpirtin tim

T? dua ,t? dua

P?r ty do t? vdes

Po ti a m? don mua?

Pergjigje po pres..


Mua vetem nuk me rrihet

E ti larg,larg shpirtit tim

Per ty vuaj, ne pambarim

Jam njeri si gjithe bota

kam nje shpirte kam nje lot

kam deshire me te taku

Se larg teje kam qellu

Se ne ty vajze jam dashuru

Je larg,je larg

larg shpirtit tim

Per ty do te vuaj

Deri ne pambarim


5 Jul 2006, 09:41 PM

Un ne forum ti ne forum

Fjalet tona rrjedhin lum

U kenaqa duke lexu fraza

Per dashurira virtuale


27 Jul 2006, 10:33 PM

ti ne nje koder

un ne nji koder

boll e mire po pak e vogel

-sjam e vogel jam taman

e du burrin me shpi ne tirane

e ma pas ai nji fuoristrat

se pernryshe i ka met thate

e me ken nji djal persmarit

e me pas te trash zinxhirin e arit

sorra hipi ne lis

lisi u tha

druvari e preu

gruja e druvarit e dogji

une hangra geshtenja te pjekuna....

Frika me ze kur s'je prane meje

Kam frike se mos dikush si flladi lehte i pranveres

te rremben dhe ti si gjethe

largohesh larg

aq sa une s'mundem te te kap

Nese te ka ardhur vetja ne maje te hundes

martohu qe te te vije ne maje te hundes dikush tjete

me puth ne sy

se te dua vetem ty

me puth ne gush

se syt e mi ,me lot jan mbush

me puth ne faqe

se shpirtin ,krejt ma kenaqe

me puth ne ball

se zemra ime, per ty esht thar

me puth ne qaf fort

se per ty ,po derdhi lot

me puth ne buz

se plot dashuri ,per ty jam mbush

ma puth fort trupin

se ma heqe fare trurin

me puth nga kembet,deri te koka

se dashuria ,per ne te dy ekzistoka

ti ne nje koder

un ne nji koder

boll e mire po pak e vogel

-sjam e vogel jam taman

e du burrin me shpi ne tirane

e ma pas ai nji fuoristrat

se pernryshe i ka met thate

e me ken nji djal persmarit

e me pas te trash zinxhirin e arit

ps: kam ken esull kur e kam shkru,tung hajt se shifna....

Ti po don burre???? qyqja mi none, ca s'po shoh ketu hahahahahahahaha

Atje është një lum, ku ka lule shumë,

kur të të marrë gjumi Ty

mos u merzit ,

se do vijë të të puth unë...!

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org






Ndonjehere endrrat behen realitet, por me ty, realiteti u be nje enderr.

Nje genjeshter ne momentin e duhur eshte

njeqind here me mire se sa nje e vertete

e thene ne momentin e gabuar.

Dashuria e vertete eshte kur zemra dhe

mendja jote thone te njejten gje.

Me duhet t'a them se gabova, qe te tregova ne fillim!

Qe te thash, je i vetmi qe hyree fell ne shpirtin tim.

Smund te besoj qe te humba, qe afer sme ke dhe ste kam,

Por nje gje e vertet eshte qe jotja me nuk jam.

Nese je penduar tash, falje pse skerkon?

Nese fajin e ke ti, pse s'po e pranon?

Kujt do ti them se te kam dashur?

Kush me dashuron sikur ti??

Kujt to t'ja ofroj zemren time...

qe m'a londojne perseri.....????

Ne kto caste me ikin fjalet dhe ky terr po me mbyt

S’kam askend t’ja qaj hallet dhe cdo fjale me mbet ne ty...

O kurre nuk dita c’eshte lumturi

Kurre ne jete se kam shiju

Tere kto vite dashurova

Mirepo kush s’me deshti mu...

Dikur ne bashke

Thurem shumë endra

Por ja qe ndodh

E thyhet zemra

Do mundem valle

Te te haroj?

Por s'mund te fal

Me mire te shkoj

Besova gjate

E s'mund ta dija

Se per nje ç'ast

Behet udia

E kam nje deshir

Oh sa esht e thjesht

Me ti puth buzet

Tjeter s´kisha desht

Sa e ëmbel esht jeta

Sa e ëmbel esht rinija

Por ma e ëmbel qenka dashurija

Ne kete qershor te thyer

Jam kryezonj varr i engjujve

Lule te vetmuara ne toke

Erresires se Zemres sime

Ne shpirt jam i lenduar...

Ah jete moje jete

rri dhe mendoje

i lutem perendise

qe jeten t´ma shkurtoje

Mbaj dashuri vetem me shkrim

Tani do ta gjeje fatin atje:

Tte varri i im

Me je zemra dhe shpirti im

Pranija jote më jep gezim

Dua te kem pranë, qe t´më ndihmosh

Dhe jeten me mua ta kalosh

Do te ruaj sot dhe gjithmone

se ti je çeles i dashurisë tonë

nese dashurija gjithmonë do tjetë

do t´jem me e lumtura me t´vërtet...

Sikur te isha djal kurr nuk do te gaboja

Vvajzen qe e dua kurr nuk do ta tredhtoja

Do t'a beja te lumtur dhe shume te gezuar

Qe ne jete te mos mbetet e pikelluar

Por ju vajza me ndegjoni dhe kurr mos gaboni

Ate qe e dashuroni kurr mos i besoni....

Love SMS

If U read,U Owe me a HUG,if U delete,U Owe me a KISS,if U save,U Owe me a DATE,if U return txt 2 me,U Owe me All,but if U ignore,ur MINE,so what will U do?

When I was a kid, my mom told me that angels live in heaven... Now I know that it is not true... Because if angels live in heaven, WHY AM I HERE?

I went to ur home just now, i cannot enter cos your door says: #CUTE PEOPLE NOT ALLOWED# Pls, take it off next time, ok?

Love is a name, Sex is a game. Forget the name and play the game!

Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these 3 words... I LOVE YOU!

Loving is not how u forget but how u forgive, not how u listen but how u understand, not what u see but how u feel, and not how u let go but how u hold on.

Roses r red and violets r blue, on valentines day ill b thinking of u!!

Roses r red and violets r blue, no matta where u r ill b thinking of U!!!

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden. I asked for a tree,he gave me a forest. I asked for a river, he gave me an ocean. I asked for an angel, and he sent me YOU!

Immature love says:"I love you because I need you".Mature love says:"I need you because I love you”

It takes 2 to tango,2 to kiss,2 to talk & reminisce, so many good things come in 2, & one of those things is me & u!

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me!

BOY : You love me...

Uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart, tresspassin in my dreams & robin me of my senses, uv been sentenced 2 a lifetime wiv me, how do u plead?

Peaches r sweet & so r plums, I have a degree in playing wiv tongues, U be my teacher in how tongues flex, & we become masters in hot oral sex.

I don't have hopes and dreams, I don't have party hours, I don't have happy hours, I don't have anything since i don't have you!

Do you believe in LOVE at first sight or do I have to walk by again? ? ? !

Receive my simple gift of GOOD MORNING wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!

A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day, and a good morning to start your day!

Its so hard 2 lose some1 that is 99% cute, 98%sweet, 95% loving, 90% talented n 100% down 2 earth. That s me! what a waste if u lose me..

In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite

ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF Me, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SlEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Gd NiTe!

The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you.

There s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

On this cold cold nite,in My small small rOOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of uR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!

As nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 Zz again. With the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i m here 2 wish U NiteNite! Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight

another month,another year,another smile,another tear,another winter.a summer too... but there ll never be......... another you!

As u go 2 bed 2nite, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r alryt, i LL ask dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..

The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..

It s raining now... Should you look out the window & try 2 count the no. of raindrops you see falling from the sky above, that s how much I m missing you now...

9 LeSsOnS In LIfE: LEaRn 2 cArE, LeArN 2 smile, LEaRn 2 CrY, lEaRn 2 gIvE, LeArN 2 4Give, lEaRN 2 SHArE, lEaRn 2 TrUsT, lEaRn 2 luv & LeArN 2 sAy: you miss me!

IF u erase this msg it means u LUV me,if u keep it u WANT me,if u simply ignore it,u really ADORE me!so,what r u going to do?

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

If U read,U Owe me a HUG,if U delete,U Owe me a KISS,if U save,U Owe me a DATE,if U return txt 2 me,U Owe me All,but if U ignore,ur MINE,so what will U do?

When I was a kid, my mom told me that angels live in heaven... Now I know that it is not true... Because if angels live in heaven, WHY AM I HERE? :)

I went to ur home just now, i cannot enter cos your door says: #CUTE PEOPLE NOT ALLOWED# Pls, take it off next time, ok?

Love is a name, Sex is a game. Forget the name and play the game!

Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these 3 words... I LOVE YOU!

Loving is not how u forget but how u forgive, not how u listen but how u understand, not what u see but how u feel, and not how u let go but how u hold on.

Roses r red and violets r blue, on valentines day ill b thinking of u!!

Roses r red and violets r blue, no matta where u r ill b thinking of U!!!

I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden. I asked for a tree,he gave me a forest. I asked for a river, he gave me an ocean. I asked for an angel, and he sent me YOU!

Immature love says:"I love you because I need you".Mature love says:"I need you because I love you”

It takes 2 to tango,2 to kiss,2 to talk & reminisce, so many good things come in 2, & one of those things is me & u!

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me! BOY : You love me...

Uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart, tresspassin in my dreams & robin me of my senses, uv been sentenced 2 a lifetime wiv me, how do u plead?

Peaches r sweet & so r plums, I have a degree in playing wiv tongues, U be my teacher in how tongues flex, & we become masters in hot oral sex.

I don't have hopes and dreams, I don't have party hours, I don't have happy hours, I don't have anything since i don't have you!

Do you believe in LOVE at first sight or do I have to walk by again? ? ? !

Receive my simple gift of GOOD MORNING wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!

A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day, and a good morning to start your day!

Its so hard 2 lose some1 that is 99% cute, 98%sweet, 95% loving, 90% talented n 100% down 2 earth. That s me! what a waste if u lose me..

In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite

ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF Me, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SlEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Gd NiTe!

The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you.

There s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

On this cold cold nite,in My small small rOOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of uR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!

As nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 Zz again. With the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i m here 2 wish U NiteNite! Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight

another month,another year,another smile,another tear,another winter.a summer too... but there ll never be......... another you!

As u go 2 bed 2nite, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r alryt, i LL ask dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..

The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..

It s raining now... Should you look out the window & try 2 count the no. of raindrops you see falling from the sky above, that s how much I m missing you now...

9 LeSsOnS In LIfE: LEaRn 2 cArE, LeArN 2 smile, LEaRn 2 CrY, lEaRn 2 gIvE, LeArN 2 4Give, lEaRN 2 SHArE, lEaRn 2 TrUsT, lEaRn 2 luv & LeArN 2 sAy: you miss me!

IF u erase this msg it means u LUV me,if u keep it u WANT me,if u simply ignore it,u really ADORE me!so,what r u going to do?

ANGEL last night an angel walked into my room. I asked him to watch over you. but he came back I asked him why he said:an angel doesn't watch over another angel Msn Emoticons | Msn Emotions | Msn Messnger Resources | Msn Messenger Emotions | Msn Names

DONT4GET Please remind me 2 remind u about reminding me 2 send u this reminder that reminds me of reminding u that i am always ur friend. DONT 4GET!

HOW MUCH U MEAN 2 ME If i go 2 heaven an ur not der i'll write ur name on evry stair 4 all 2 c how much u mean 2 me

ALL THE TIME Good time, bad time, night time, day time, work time, off time, sad time, happy time, in the mean time i'm thinking of you all the time.

TOO MUCH! when God gave us friendships he tried to be fair, but when i got you, i got more than my share!

2 GOOD 2 B TRUE they say sugar is sweet and honey is too but baby wot do i call u? ur sexier than sexy and hotter than that there's only one name 4 u and thats 2 good 2 b true

FALL U can fall from the sky U can fall from a tree But the best way to fall is in love with me.

4EVER u r me, and i is u for eva our love will be true

MEANT 2 B i love u babe i really do, i love the times when im with u, the way u say that u love me, i think that this was meant to be

STOLEN Your words of love steal someone's heart, but you don't know that your heart is already stolen by me, check it!

• The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself.

• Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.

• In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.

• Each moment of a happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life. -Aphra Behn

• In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love you want the other person.

• I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.

• Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.

• The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

• I have no regrets. I will never regret loving someone because the feeling of love for five minutes is greater than an eternity of hurt.

• Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

• The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun.

• The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one; Yet the light of a whole life dies, When love is done.

• Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole. dge

• Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary: I humbly pray to Heaven above that I love the man I marry.

• Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.

• You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

• Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.

• Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence.

• Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life.

• A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together.

• Love is the self-delusion we manufacture to justify the trouble we take to have sex.

Ur only mine wen i dream.wen i wake i wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes i want u!

If dreams werent dreams & dreams came true i woodnt b here id b wiv u.Distance is 1 thing dat keeps us apart.But ull always remain in my heart!

Y do we close our eyes wen we sleep- wen we dream, wen we kiss?dis is becoz the most precious thing in the world is unseen.Wen i close my eyes i c u!

Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!

Sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1

Thought of u 2day,dats not new,thought of u yesterday + da day b4 2, ill think of u 2mor + my whole life thru & ill think of u 4eva coz i think da world of U

I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with u.

A special smile a special face.a special someone i cant replace.i luv u i always will.uve filled a space no one can fill!

Girl ur clever girl ur smart.girl ur like a work of art.girl ur sexy girl ur fine.d only thing u aint is mine!

i luv ur eyes i luv ur smile.i cherish ur ways i adore ur style.Wot can i say?ur 1of a kind & 24/7 ur on my mind!

As I lie awake in my bed.All sorts of thought run through my head,Like why do I love u as much as I do.den I realise its because u r u!

there was an headcount of angels in heaven,pandemonium strucked discoverin dat an angel is missin,pls call heaven &tell dem ure safe wit me,my sweet angel

I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!

I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face No1 will ever take your place


last night an angel walked into my room. I asked him to watch over you.

but he came back I asked him why he said:an angel doesn't watch over another angel

Msn Emoticons | Msn Emotions | Msn Messnger Resources | Msn Messenger Emotions | Msn Names


Please remind me 2 remind u about reminding me 2 send u this reminder that reminds me of reminding u that i am always ur friend. DONT 4GET!


If i go 2 heaven an ur not der i'll write ur name on evry stair 4 all 2 c how much u mean 2 me


Good time,

bad time,

night time,

day time,

work time,

off time,

sad time,

happy time,

in the mean time i'm thinking of you all the time.


when God gave us friendships he tried to be fair, but when i got you, i got more than my share!


they say sugar is sweet and honey is too but baby wot do i call u? ur sexier than sexy and hotter than that there's only one name 4 u and thats 2 good 2 b true


U can fall from the sky

U can fall from a tree

But the best way to fall

is in love with me.


u r me, and i is u for eva our love will be true


i love u babe i really do, i love the times when im with u, the way u say that u love me, i think that this was meant to be


Your words of love steal

someone's heart,

but you don't know that your

heart is already stolen by me,

check it!

www.Zemra.Org & www.Knaqu.Org & www.Takohu.Org

Love SMS

• The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself.

• Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.

• In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.

• Each moment of a happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life. -Aphra Behn

• In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love you want the other person.

• I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.

• Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.

• The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

• I have no regrets. I will never regret loving someone because the feeling of love for five minutes is greater than an eternity of hurt.

• Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

• The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun.

• The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one; Yet the light of a whole life dies, When love is done.

• Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole. dge

• Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary: I humbly pray to Heaven above that I love the man I marry.

• Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.

• You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

• Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.

• Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence.

• Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life.

• A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together.

• Love is the self-delusion we manufacture to justify the trouble we take to have sex.

Love SMS > Dreams

Ur only mine wen i dream.wen i wake i wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes i want u!

If dreams werent dreams & dreams came true i woodnt b here id b wiv u.Distance is 1 thing dat keeps us apart.But ull always remain in my heart!

Y do we close our eyes wen we sleep- wen we dream, wen we kiss?dis is becoz the most precious thing in the world is unseen.Wen i close my eyes i c u!

Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!

Love SMS > Special You

Sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1

Thought of u 2day,dats not new,thought of u yesterday + da day b4 2, ill think of u 2mor + my whole life thru & ill think of u 4eva coz i think da world of U

I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with u.

A special smile a special face.a special someone i cant replace.i luv u i always will.uve filled a space no one can fill!

Girl ur clever girl ur smart.girl ur like a work of art.girl ur sexy girl ur fine.d only thing u aint is mine!

i luv ur eyes i luv ur smile.i cherish ur ways i adore ur style.Wot can i say?ur 1of a kind & 24/7 ur on my mind!

As I lie awake in my bed.All sorts of thought run through my head,Like why do I love u as much as I do.den I realise its because u r u!

there was an headcount of angels in heaven,pandemonium strucked discoverin dat an angel is missin,pls call heaven &tell dem ure safe wit me,my sweet angel

I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!

I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face No1 will ever take your place

Be With You

When things go wrong…

When sadness fills ur heart… when tears flow in ur eyes… always remember 3 things I’m with u… Still with u… Will ALWAYS b…

My Heart

I have a heart n that is true,

But now it has gone from me to you, So care for it just like I do, Because I have no heart n U have two.

Love with Someone

when time comes for you to be in love with someone

make sure you choose a right person who can care and show concern at any time, any moment and not only loves you but also loves what you want.

Pick up lines

I just lost me phone number, ca i have yours?

Let`s not wait for drinks here when there is no wait and they are free at my place.

Did you fart? Because you blew me away

You must be in a wrong place - the Miss Universe contest is over there. Was that an earthquake or did u just rock my world? I may not be a genie but I can make your dreams come true Are you a magnet cuz im attracted to you Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? I wish you were DSL so I could get high-speed access. I know its not Christmas, but Santa's lap is always ready. Baby your like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems "Why does it feel like the most beautiful girl in the world is in this room?" Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa just what I want for Christmas. Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date? I was blinded by your beauty so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons. I'm sorry, were you talking to me? Her: No. Well then, please start. I know I dont have a chance, but I just wanted to hear an angel talk. Roses are red, violets are blue, how would you like it if I came home with you? Hey I just realized this, but you look alot like my next girlfriend. Are your legs tired, because you've been running through my mind all day long. Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here. POOF! (What are u doing?) I'm here, where are your other two wishes? I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away. Girl, you better have a license, cuz you are driving me crazy! If you were the new burger at McDonalds you would be the Mcgorgeous! Do you have the time? (she gives you the time) No, the time to write my number down . Let's make like a fabric softener and snuggle. Are you an interior decorator? When I saw you the room became beautiful. Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart. Is that top felt? [No] Would you like it to be? Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? Is your last name Gillete cause your the best a man can get. Are you a parking ticket? (What?) You got fine written all over you. I'm invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night? You can fall off a building, you can fall out a tree, but baby, the best way to fall is in love with me. I have never had a dream come true until the day that I met you. You look life my first wife! (how many have you had?) none. Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? I'm addicted to yes, and I'm allergic to no. So what's it gonna be? If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together. Turn to the girl sitting next to you at the bar and say... "I'm not really this tall....I'm sitting on my wallet." This is a test of the emergency pickup line service. Beeeeeeeeeep. If you had been any less beautiful, you would have just heard a bad pickup line. If this bar is a meat market, you must be the prime rib. I know I'm not a grocery item but I can tell when you're checking me out. If beauty were sunlight, you'd shine from a million light-years away. Do you mind if I hang out here until its safe back where I farted. Life without you would be like a broken pencil...pointless. Your body is a wonderland and i want to be Alice. I'm like chocolate pudding, I look like crap but im as sweet as can be. Can I have directions? ["To where?"] To your heart. Are you an alien? because you just abducted my heart. Did you fart, 'cause you blow me away! I hope there's a fireman around, cause you're smokin'! If you were a booger I'd pick you first. Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Nope, it's just a sparkle. You've been a bad girl/boy. Go to my room. If beauty were time, you'd be an eternity. Do you know karate? 'Cause your body is really kickin'. Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside? Like the sheets on your bed I want cover you with love. Do you have a Bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you. Hi, I just wanted to give you the satisfaction of turning me down; go ahead say no. I hope your day is as radiant as your smile. You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae. You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche. Are you an alien?, because you just abducted my heart. What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper. I can tell your future, it is you giving me your number. Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me. Giant polar bear (What?) It's an icebreaker. Hi, my name is.... Your so hot when i look at you I get a tan I must be a snowflake, 'cuz I've fallen for you. You look so sweet your givin me a toothache. My love for you is like the universe...neverending!! If looks could kill you would be a weapon of mass destruction. You - "Did it hurt". The other person will naturally say "Did what hurt?", You - "When you fell from heaven." Excuse me, can you empty your pockets? I believe you have stolen my heart. Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes! You say "I bet you $20 I can kiss you without using my lips." She says, "Bet's on." You kiss her then say, "I lost." You got something on your chest: my eyes Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, then I guess you know what I'm here after. I don't know if you're beautiful or not, I haven't gotten past your eyes yet. What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room? Your eyes are as blue as my toilet water at home. I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you. Do you want to make millions? millions of babies! The night is young, the moon is bright, and you are here with me tonight. I wanna bag you like some groceries. kiss me if I am wrong, but isn't your name (take a guess)...Janice???? Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only TEN I see Am I dead, Angel? Cause this must be heaven! Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? Baicarumba...are those real? Be unique and different, just say yes. Can I flirt with you? Damn girl, you have more curves than a race track. Do you know karate? Cos damn it honey, your body is really kickin. Excuse me. I'm from the FBI, the Fine Body Investigators, and I'm going to have to ask you to assume the position. Gee, that's a nice set of legs, what time do they open?
Honey, I'm new in this town - dya think I could have directions to your house. I hope you know CPR, cos you take my breath away! I've got the ship, you've got the harbor ... what say we tie up for the night? I've just moved you to the top of my 'to do' list. If you don't wanna have kids with me, then why don't we just practice? Screw me if I am wrong, but haven't we met before? That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap next to my bed.
Were you arrested earlier? It's gotta be illegal to look that good.
Hello. Are you taking any applications for a boy/girlfriend?

Excuse me, but I DO think it's time we met.

Of course there's lots of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'd love to catch and mount back at my place. Hello. Cupid called. He says to tell you that he needs my heart back.
How was Heaven when you left it?
You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine. Honey, you give new meaning to the definition of 'edible'. I think I can die happy now, coz I've just seen a piece of heaven. You must be going to hell, because it is a sin to look that good. You should be someone's wife. Excuse me, do you have your phone number, I seem to have lost mine. You've made me so nervous that I've totally forgotten forgotten my standard pick-up line. Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too. Is your name Gillette? ...coz you're the best a man can get.
If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I would be walking through my garden forever. It's not my fault I fell in love. You are the one that tripped me.
I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle. Grab yer bag've just pulled... I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest lady on earth tonight. If beauty were an hour, you'd be a second. There's just one thing your eyes haven't told me're name. Was your father a thief? 'Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes. What time do you have to be back in heaven?
Would you touch me so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?
You are like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts.
You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy. You must be a high jumper, because you make my bar raise! You're like milk, I just wanna make you part of my complete breakfast.
Flirting is a lot like doing laundry- set the mood to "warm" and "hight spin" and you will feel clean the morning after.
Wish I was your blanket, I wish I was your bed, I wish I was your pillow underneath your head, I wanna be around u, I wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u good night.
As I lie awake in my bed. All sorts of thought run through my head, Like why do I love you as much as I do. Then I realise its because you are you!
Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but I'll be with you wherever you go. Love you always.You have opened the doors of my heart. Now it's for you to walk through it.
A special smile a special face.a special someone i cant replace.i luv u i always will.uve filled a space no one can fill!
If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy even if its not with you.
Smile is a language of love, smile is a source to win heart, smile is a name of lovely mood, smile create greatness in personality so keep smiling
U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. U may be out of my reach, but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u, but u'll always be special to me.
Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I'll be loving you every single day of my life.
People say you only fall in love once, but when I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.
Love, knows no reason, knows no time, it has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time, called FOREVER..
Hey, Sweetheart … I miss you. I'm just here thinking about you, like I always do
d person who loves u d most will fight will daily but when u drop a tear he will fight with d whole world to stop your tear
I love u a lot...I care bout you a lot...but if u dont like it, then i'll just keep it in my heart..
babie u r only far from my eyes but very close to my heart
If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, but a transaction that never fails to lay stress on a plus and a minus.
I love you because you are the best thing that happened to me.
We may have lots of misunderstandings and we have hurt each other in the past. But you're my only one
Love do not consider the beauty Love is somehow blind
When you truly love a person it doesn't really matter what they've done to you or what mistakes they've made in the past,all that matters at the end of the day is the fact that you love them regardless of their flows.
There are no words to describe what he makes me feel.But, perhaps it is as all you all say.
The last thought comes my mind…I will love him as long as im alive
It's hard to tell my mind to stop loving you,but my heart still does,I could search my whole life through and through an never find another you
love is blind, love is da way 2 share the love of ur respect.
Receive my simple gift of goodmorning wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
I am opening an emotion bank account for you sweetheart, so deposit your love in it and you will get the interest
hey my luv..wana play dis game wt me. Rules 4 d game(played by persons above 18 n no ref is required.)ok here we go we close our eyes n open our mouth...guess what d the wheels a abt a roll now...we kiss until.. game never stop cuz d z no ref.
love is my religion and i could die for it!!!
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
I wish i Could fly just To see you smile, to comfort you when you cRy.
when you love someone don't expect in return, because when we fell love there's no reason
I love you more than my life...
I love u more dan u thnk i do my darling.i jst want let u knw dat u luvd & micd by me sweetangel
Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E - Embrace with open heart
I - Inspire with impressive attitude
D - Distribute pleasure to all
If u wanna know how much i miss u,
Try to catch rain drops,
The ones u catch is how much u miss me,
And the other u miss is how much i miss.
Luv is a reciprocal so wen u find luv take care of it coz it cum unseen. u might want it when it is gone.
Hi dear love, just unfortunate that you are far away... its so cold here but knowing that u miss is enough. love u
Hi handsome, I wanted to send u a kiss but the POSTMAN said its to big, DHL says its to precious and the INSURANCE COMPANY says that they can't cover the risk, So I decided to say ******** I LUV U
love is love, no reason is needed!
No doubt you are my sweet angel that I've prayed for, please be mine forever...
I knew I loved you before I met you,
I think I dreamed you into life,
I knew I loved you before I met you,
I have been waiting all my life,
I'm not bodily beautiful, but heartily wonderful!
* Falling out of love is very enlightening. For a short while you see the world with new eyes. -
* Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
* At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear. "It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us." You can love completely without complete understanding.
* In love there are things.. bodies and words.
* When you have loved as she has loved, you grow old beautifully.
* To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia.
* Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.
* Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love.
* True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.
* Whoever said love is blind is dead wrong. Love is the only thing that lets us see each other with the remotest accuracy.
* True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.
* Wish I was your blanket, I wish I was your bed, I wish I was your pillow underneath your head, I wanna be around u, I wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u good night.
* I miss the laughs I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU!
* Loving you is like breathing...I just can't stop.
* Even the richest king can't compare to the greatest treasure I have, He may own things that I can only dream of. But he doesn't know what I've got...someone like you.